Monday, November 17, 2008


I really dont know what to blog about my aunt just said that I needed to come blog so here I am and I have made the decision to blog about the coolest, cutest, most awesome, creature God could have created the.. MONKEY!! I love monkeys they are by far the coolest cutest most awesome thing in the world. I promised my aunt that I would save my own money to buy one but she still said no.. At first she messed with me and said I could but then completely obliterated my hopes of having a pet monkey.. Man monkeys are so cool..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To Take A Road

To take a road in your life it is a tough decision
It is hard to see with mortal vision
For one road you may take is forsaken but on the other many steps have been taken
Two you can see one of which you may choose
But these roads in life are called win or lose
Lose the road forsaken or win by which many steps are taken.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Hear My Name

To hear you call
to feel you near
to know your there
and that your everywhere
to feel your warmth
to hear your voice
to hear my name
called with no shame
to know that you look at me just the same
that no one has better fame
just to know youll call my name
read it from that book of life
where I know there is no strife
oh the joy to know
i'll hear my name in that book of life.
By: Colby Blair

Friday, September 5, 2008

My New job...

I got a new job at Chik-Fil-A I am very excited to be making money on my own now. That is until the bills come in and then I go run to Auntie Carrie and ask for her money. So that I don't have to spend my money on bills. Of course, we all know she'll just tell me to quit whining and pay my own bills. Anyways, I am really enthused about getting a new job. It's fun, the people are nice, and not to mention half off all the food... yeah its pretty great I bet you wish you had my job now.