Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just One More

I came up with this blog a while back when stand had started a guys youth prayer meeting with Bro.Jason. This kind of just hit me and at the time I wasn't very sure if it was from God but I kind of think it is now I'm, and the reason I say kind of is because I am still trying to develop my spiritual ear. Knowing that I'm called to something in the ministry has put it on my heart to want to share this with everyone.

I know everyone has heard of the famous oil monopoly owning billionaire John D. Rockefeller he has a famous quote that just wont leave my mind. In an interview Mr. Rockefeller was asked how many more dollars until your satisfied. He then answered, "Just one more dollar". The reason I couldn't get this quote out of my head because, it was like a little voice in the very back trying to tell me something. It was saying why do you ask for hundreds when you get that many will you stop and be satisfied. So I started thinking like Mr.Rockefeller "just one more". I think that if we can think like that we will never stop trying to win just one more soul. People stop saying you want just a hundred because when you hit your goal your going to stop. I want to challenge everyone who reads this to start thinking on this. Lets go for just one more soul, then when we get that one w can say just one more, and as the years go on if we can think like this, instead of a hundred we can win thousands.


Carrie said...

Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2

Dad and I LOVE you.....

Trent Smith said...

good post... love you

Jason D-YEM said...

Amen Colby,

I am developing a message for a chapel for Algoma Christian School. The topic is Contentment vs. Greed, so I remember the quote and through various searches I found my way to your blog.

Your blog is such a blessing to me being a Youth Director to K-12 graders and now speaking tomorrow morning. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord, and may you be encouraged that you are touching lives all over the US with your message.

This blog post is right-on and makes a great deal of sense. May all who read this be encouraged to also never be satisifed in furthering the Kingdom of God and wish to "Win just one more soul for the Lord."

Jason Groth
Follower of Christ
Sparta, MI

ggg said...

I don't know if you're continuing on with your blog. I have some tracts from 2008 which contribute that quote to Donald Trump. I was fairly certain it was John D. Rockefeller.
I love your inspiration of more soul. IN a sense, YOU CAN take something with you when you die...Souls!
P.S. PLEASE brush up on your grammar😱😷